autumn events

‘Beyond Violence’ at Springhead

Just back from a magical weekend cooking in Dorset with a crack Wholefood Kitchen team. We created a series of meals for a European School of T’ai Chi event led by Tew Bunnag. The theme being explored was ‘Beyond Violence,’ addressing our relationship with our conflict within. We were asked to produce delicious food which grounded, sustained and nourished the participants, and we did a sterling job. We were blessed to spend time with the gentle waters of Springhead, working with top notch produce supplied by Earth Natural Foods here in London, and Organic Veg provided by Goldhill Farm, not more than 4 miles down the road. Thanks to Tew, Louanne, Sodge and Lucia and the course participants who all contributed to a nourishing experience.


  1. The weekend at Springhead, was as always a journey into the tai chi and how to apply it to life. In this case how to go beyond violence. We had two beautiful autumnal days when the mist rose and swirled from the lake in the early morning and there were no clouds in the sky. We were warmed by the sun, energised by the chi and, of course, nourished by food cooked so generously and skilfully by Kevin, Jon and Lucia. Thank you.

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