meals summer

Kawhia Kai Festival

Waitangi Day, Aotearoa’s National Day, was spent at the Kawhia Kai festival, a celebration of Maori Kai (food) and Whanau. (family) On offer was Hangi food, Whitebait fritters, Kai Moana (Seafood) and much more. I was too late to sample the Shark Liver Pate, a local delicacy, which disappeared rapidly.



A generous portion of Hangi food prepared by the Mokoroa Whanau. Hangi food is cooked in the earth, and each Kete (basket) was filled with Chicken, Pork, Kumara, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Puha (greens) Stuffing and served with Rewena. (Maori bread)



Delightful cupcakes and chocolate treats made from native plants, fruits and seeds.



Wok flamed Kai Moana (seafood) from the ‘Kapai Mussells’ stall run by a couple of Kawhia locals. A crowd-pulling display backed up by copious servings of fresh local seafood.


Kawhia Wharf.


The hot pick of the day: Fresh watermelon with Strawberry ice cream.


A couple of local ‘Tane.’ (Men)


  1. Hi Kevin,

    I agree these are great photos! Would it be OK for me to re-use one of them as they are the best ones showing a hangi that I can find online?

  2. Hi Lisa,

    How are you planning to use them? I think it would be fine, but i’m interested what you are working on. There are also some new pics I’ve taken which you may be interested in, from the Hinemihi Hangi in Guildford a few weeks ago. All up on the wholefood kitchen site (search Hangi) Please send me an email at, and I’ll follow up soon. Regards, Kevin

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